References are like the background info your friends gives you before they set you up - what you're like, what you like, etc. Without references I at least want the opportunity to do a little internet sleuthing and make sure you're a nice guy. ;) 

The below info just allows me to do my research, and make sure you're someone I feel safe going on a first date with. 

Once you've filled out the form below, do me one final favor and send me an email from your work account, so that I can confirm you are who you say you are. The email can be blank, can be inquiring about office supplies, whatever you like! My main address is But if you would prefer I can give you a discreet unlisted discreet unlisted address, just ask for it in you initial email to me.

Please note that whilst I oversee everything that comes in and out of my inbox, enquiries are handled by my assistant Alice who’ll ensure everything runs smoothly in preparation for our date.