Here are the rates I request for my time. You'll see that they’re skewed in preference of a longer, lingering evening where we can really get to know one another, sample culinary delights, and get a tad carried away after a little too much bubbly.
1.5 Hours: Charmed - $2200
2 Hours: Cocktails - $2800
3 Hours: Lunch or Libations - $3400
4 Hours: Dinner & Drinks - $4400
5 Hours: The Tasting Menu - $5400
6 Hours: Dinner and a Show - $6400
For when we can find even more time to indulge…
14 Hours: Spend the Night - $8000
18 Hours: Extended Overnight $10,000
24 Hours: A Whole Day - $12,000
36 Hours: Staycation - $18,000
48 Hours: Weekend - $24,000
72 Hours: The Great Escape - $30,000
For longer dates & travel please enquire.
Points of note
Deposits are required for all dates, and are non-refundable.
In-date extensions are $1200 per additional hour.
Couples, please add $500.
When hosting not in my home city, a fee to cover that expense may be required.
For first dates, a minumum of 2h is needed to get to know each other. And for couples, a minimum of 3h.
Dates of 3h or more are to include lunch/dinner/a show — let’s plan!
Have serious privacy concerns and can’t venture out in public on a date designed with social time in mind? Please add $1000.
For FMTY dates, please add first class travel expenses and a travel fee of $1000.
Fly me to you
If you don't see your city on my calendar (or if you'd just like a distraction one afternoon on your next business trip) I'm happy to fly to you. Drop me a note and we can put plans in place.
FMTY dates are my usual rate, plus all travel expenses and a travel fee. Expenses and a 50% deposit is required in advance. See my FAQ page for more details on travel arrangements.
Please note, all compensation is for my time and companionship only.
Physical intimacy is neither contracted nor compensated for.